Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Welcome back to Fenway, boys!

It's probably a little arrogant to be posting when we're not even out of the first, but I can always delete it later.

[apparently I'm not being punished for my arrogance. The comments to this one are mine from during the game...]


Maurice said...

As Youk comes home on Ortiz's double in the bottom of the 5th, I wonder what we'll do with first base in Colorado.

Whatever. File it under "good problems to have."

Maurice said...

Tulowitzky needs another foot on his vertical leap. Wish I had taken the under on how many times that Buck and McCarver would butcher his name. Who'dve thunk it?

Maurice said...

You know, it's nice of the Red Sox to welcome both pitchers by trying to get everyone up to say hello in each of their first innings.

Maurice said...

I hope we're not knocking the rust off of these guys.

Maurice said...

Silly announcers. Why do you leave Beckett in? To preservet the bullpen. He's a moose; he'll be fine in game 5. 78 pitches through six. He won't finish this game, but I predict he comes out in the 8th.

Maurice said...

Game 1 margin of victory record? Oh please. Stoopid stats, they must be incredibly bored. But they're paid not to be bored. I think the conversations that Jen and I have on the couch are more interested than the Fox announcer patter.

But at less than 3.5 hours, this has to be a post season shortest game record for Fox. I'm sure 15 minutes per run is a record low.